My Research

1. Real-time Trusted Execution Environment
— Runtime Attack Isolation


A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is an runtime isolation solution designed to prevent security-critical code execution and data from being interfered with by potentially compromised software. Existing TEE solutions primarily focus on protecting the confidentiality and integrity of security-critical code and data, often leaving availability unprotected. However, CPSs additionally require availability, as completing tasks beyond their deadlines can lead to catastrophic consequences. This project aims to build TEEs that extend the security guarantees of existing solutions by adding availability to the existing focus on confidentiality and integrity.

  • In RT-TEE [S&P 2022], we propose a real-time TEE solution that protects the confidentiality, integrity, and real-time availability of security-critical CPU tasks and sensing/actuating operations from interference by potentially compromised operating systems in real-time CPSs, leveraging ARM TrustZone.

  • In AvaGPU [CCS 2023], we propose a real-time TEE solution that guarantees the confidentiality, integrity, and real-time availability of security-critical GPU tasks, safeguarding them from potentially compromised operating systems.


2. Efficient Integrity and Privacy Protection
— Runtime Attack Prevention


CPSs often have temporal or spatial constraints, such as deadlines and memory limitations. However, existing runtime information flow integrity solutions (e.g., control-flow integrity and data-flow integrity) and privacy-preserving approaches rarely consider these constraints. To address this gap, this project aims to design and implement efficient information flow integrity and privacy-preserving mechanisms to protect information integrity and privacy on CPSs without violating temporal or spatial constraints.

  • In STML [DAC 2023], we propose a privacy-preserving solution that enables large DNN models to run on hardware resource-constrained microcontrollers.

  • In Procrastinating CFI [RTNS 2023], we propose a control flow integrity mechanism that ensures the runtime overhead from CFI does not disrupt the schedulability of real-time CPSs.

  • In OP-DFI [Security 2024], we propose a probabilistic DFI mechanism that protects the data flow integrity of real-time CPSs while minimizing the worst-case execution time (WCET) expansion, thereby reducing the impact on real-time performance.


3. Software Recovery from Memory Safety Attacks
— Runtime Attack Mitigation


Existing runtime attack prevention mechanisms in cyber-physical systems typically halt execution upon detecting an attack to prevent further damage. However, abruptly stopping execution in CPSs can lead to catastrophic consequences. This project aims to develop a recovery mechanism that mitigates memory safety attacks while minimizing impacts on real-time performance, ensuring continuous, safe operation even under adversarial conditions.

  • In Gecko[Security 2025], we propose a software recovery mechanims that recover CPS from memory safety attacks with minimized real-time performance impacts.


4. Attestation, Bug Discovery, and Fingerprinting
— Offline Security Reasoning


Offline CPS security reasoning plays an important role in reducing the attack surface in CPSs. This project aims to design and implement scalable and efficient security reasoning approaches from both pre-execution and post-execution phases.

  • In Timing Bug Understanding [IROS 2022, RTAS 2024], we design and implement software tools to automatically identify and understand timing bugs in CPSs.

  • In ARI [Security 2023], we propose an efficient real-time mission execution integrity attestation solution to effectively attest both runtime information flow integrity and temporal integrity after mission execution.

  • In ChckUp [Security 2024], we propose an automated firmware update vulnerability discovery approach that identifies bugs in firmware update phases. Through this research, we discovered 26 zero-day vulnerabilities.

  • In SIDE [Security 2025], we propose an encoding and decoding approach to embed identity information in 3D printed objects.
